

A boquet for the most beautiful one,
For the loveliest woman,
The one who never left my side,
The one who never tire.

Yes, yes, she really is lovely,
Far more than my eyes could see,
She's strong, courageous and brave,
And has the sweetest love that I crave!

She's so beautiful, not only on the outside,
Her beauty shines as much as who she is inside!
Oh, how beautiful these flowers as you are,
Thanks to you, I've come this far!

This boquet is nothing compared to you,
What you have done is immeasurable, that is true,
But even with this simple gift of mine,
You have given me love and the biggest smile.

Thank you, thank you- I love you so,
You are my precious dreamglow,
You are the woman that never gave up on me,
Even if I don't deserve the support you give.

Who is she, you ask? The one I gave this beautiful boquet-
She is the woman who supported me all the way.
Mother, thank you for everything,
Thank you for caring.