

My life
My life is an open book,
That leads me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey.

Buoyant dawns with its mesmerising sunrises,
Accompanied with endless pitch dark nights.
A life adorned with its clouds, suns, stars , moons and eclipses.

A life with its sultry winter and chilled summers ,
While rainbows hold them,
Enticing me to cross bridges.

When hours are gloomy,
And the road ahead dim,
life whispers to me melodies of hope,
Serenading me with promises.

Each dusk bringing its share of flavours:
At times spicy ; at others bland;
sometimes bitter sweet; sometimes sour sweet.

A journey that awes me to splash in the puddles and dance to the alluring tune of the hidden.
A journey that unfolds something that is everlasting.

A life that marvels me with its splendour,
where oneness resides in dualities,
Teaching me to englobe everything
But to hold on to nothing.

Life's in all its glorious simplicity
leading me to the enigmatic depth;
At times I soar ; at other's I drown;
Yet, loving it all the while.
#on the way
