

Tears Clouded My Eyes
We walked together in a journey called life;
Same were our footsteps while walking in our college campus.
Many friends we had in our school and college life;
Yet we three had unique bond than other acquaintances.

I often have the reveries on those of our childhood days;
Our parents are so specially gifted with love.
Though poor and illiterate they've shown us the honest ways;
Our moms' fingers were active to feed us both food and love.

You my beloved Godly friends encouraged me to the peak;
I feel your loss as mine.
Your corrections are welcomed when I grow negative and weak.
In your company I am fine.

Your writings I relish on;
Your pain I feel a lot.
Your pain shatters you;
Your writing sharpens you

Keep on writing in many range;
Your words are the two edged sword.
At one end it sharpens your courage;
The other end is a surgeon to the fraud.

I read your writings on 'Dad's Love' with likes;
I feel much more obliged to our dads.
Tears kept on Clouding my eyes,
On reading those greatest facts of all facts.

© gladis