

"Colors of Life: A Poetic Reflection on the Lessons of Holi"

I love Holi, not for the colors that they bring,
But for the meaning behind them that makes my heart sing.

Just like in life, we face difficulties galore,
Each one has its meaning, that we can't ignore.

I am like the red color, full of passion and fire,
Ready to take on challenges and never tire.

At times I am like the orange, warm and creative,
Filled with enthusiasm and ideas innovative.

On the darkest days, I turn yellow like the sun,
With intellect, optimism, and enlightenment, I won't run.

I am like the green color of growth, harmony, and health,
Moving forward, staying balanced, and always in stealth.

I am blue, trustworthy and loyal, calm and serene,
A friend in need, dependable, and always keen.

So I play Holi, and deep myself in color,
To learn as much as I can, and be like a child with wonder.

For the colors of Holi, and the meanings they bring,
Are lessons in life, that make our hearts sing.

© sttd1