

Letter of Perfume
As far as a letter goes,
It was nondescript,
The message it carried was sinister.
No one could understand
Neither one could throw it away
It is hard to imagine what could be in it
A message of war at dawn
Or Sad plight of warriors
Or an act of treachery
The King summons the court
There has been no sign of the prince Came from a distant kingdom
Whose diligence moved the king
Words caught the princess in his spell
There was no magic but the cleverness
Princess couldn't hide the secret
Distant Prince was a rival hiding behind
The veil of his glories
He was dark that tampered the light of the kingdom
War at dawn, killed warriors and treacherous prince all came true
Never a letter smelled of perfume
Brought doom to the glorious city.
Before the fall.

-Bhumika Monani