

Wandered into the world of love and lust...
With a cold broken heart wanting someone to set it on fire...
Was hoping to find a loyal fella to love and trust
Only to fall head over heels for a lustful liar..

Fell for a heartbreaker bestowed with a silver tongue...
Selfish enough to promise me the entire cosmos...
I fell for it 'cause i was Love-crazed, naive and young....
Was enthralled by the idea of a Hollywood love story with a sprinkle of dextrose....

It was all paradise till you brought razors home and lacerated my heart...
Was a fool for believing that we'd never be apart.
Memories of us talking a house full of our kids running around tears me up

Used to love you with my all..
You promised to carry me but instead you let me fall..
I hope your soul finds its way to inferno
That's where liars and heartbreakers belong

©Tjebane M.B