

Dirt Road
Always driving down that dirt road that leads me to your country home, with me saying "daddy I'm home, "
Seeing him with open arms rapping them tight around me I can tell he's missed me,
He said "welcome home ,"
His smile made my day when I arrived that day, but the news that became made me sad, I don't want you to go dad,
As the cancer became bad,
I said I love you dad, its okay if you want to let go, in my heart is where you'll forever be hold, later that day he passed away as I was told.
As my heart broke apart, but I knew you'd forever be in my heart ,we won't ever be apart,
That dirt road has left so many memories,
Now as I take that dirt road it feels so empty without you with me, my eyes start to water as I drive away of the road I use to know,
You had to leave , you had to say goodbye cause it was your time,
Looking in the review mirror as the dust flows,made me remember of that day you taught me to drive the same way, telling me to go a little slower it will be okay.
I was taught to drive that day on this dirt road
Now as I drive it this last time I have tears strolling down,my face wearing a frown, feeling as if I'm going to drown ,
God took you away when all I wanted was you to stay, but I know everything will be okay cause I know you'll be watching down everyday.
This dirt road was always the way,
The way to my childhood home
Always the way to you,
As I remember the stories you told or when I cried you'd always be there to hold,with your shoulders I'd rest, dad you are the best, never did I love you any less