

New year,my fresh start
As we end 2023 by closing it we welcome 2024 a new beginning, by closing a door we open another
beginning a new chapter sinking the past and creating a new future we use our time because we know that time is valuable and it will never wait on us 2023 has shown us a lot whether you meet the right person or you find out their true color weather or not you regret meeting them your heart will always forgive them for hurting you as we close the year I will think about all the things that I have done weather good or bad 2023 was dark but by entering 2024 you will see a lighter version of 2023, I lost my trust in a million ways that I will never trust again a transition to a new year lighting my life if this time am lost guide me, heal me and most of all protect me from entering 2024 lost change in the negative memories and bring great delight to my year fixing the moment because I know I can't fix my past a beautiful Christmas tree standing so tall with so many lights how gorgeous it is if I had one wish I'd wish for a new beginning.
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