

oh falasteen // يا فلسطين
i watch as the world crumbles into pieces around me
i watch as gaza burns
i watch as doctors fling their hands wildly, realizing the patient they just saw was one of their
i watch as children carry another, acting out a funeral procession, because that is all they have
ever seen
i watch as mothers and fathers bury their kids, babies, with their own hands
i watch as gaza burns
they say the school year ended because there are no students left
we are adults, we can handle it, parents say
but what about kids? how can they take this?
i watch as gaza burns

how can the world bat a blind eye
when so many of their own kind are smothered,

i can’t i can’t, i can’t

ya Allah

hasbuna Allahu wa ni’mal wakeel
hasbuna Allahu wa ni’mal wakeel

wa la ghaaliba illa Allah

i pray, i pray, i pray

there is no helper better than Him
there is no helper besides Him
so to Him, and only Him, do i turn

© a.s.