

The Weight
of blaming the living
is both a light one
and a heavy one.

For the blamer,
blaming another for one's death
Rinses the guilt out of their hands
It allows passing the weight, however temporarily, of emptiness over to someone else.

It allows the pain of losing
Losing the one who was loved
to be pushed away
And allows hate
Which was easier to bear
Fester and take hold
Inside them.

For the blamed,
putting the blame on their shoulders
Was like having a mountain
Laid rest upon their shoulders.

It's a heavy blame to bear,
as you are blamed for being
the one who erases
the memories,
the personalities,
the good and bad of someone,
from existence.

It is not fair for both the blamer
and the blamed
to carry the weight
of grief,
in whatever form and shape they come.

However, humans are weak.
Humans need closure,
To absolve themselves of guilt,
To rid themselves of pain,
And to allow themselves to be glad
To see this pain will one day be over.

And yet, this is the worst way
to put an end
to a tragic loss
and to a devastating event.

© starchaser

Today is a heavy day for me.