

Illusion's Trap

In a world unseen, beyond our sight,
There lies Biringan City, in the Philippines' light.
Mystical and tempting, a legend known,
It draws you in, in the Eastern Visayas it's shown.


Enchanting whispers, they call to your heart,
Promises of wonder, a mesmerizing art.
But within Biringan, souls can be lost,
In Samar province, its land is crossed.


Yet from this tale, a lesson is clear,
In our world today, let's hold it near.
Don't be fooled by appearances that deceive,
True beauty is found within, so please believe.


In a world obsessed with what's on display,
Remember, true joy lies in a different way.
Seek not the surface, but the depths within,
That's where the real treasure has always been.


So let Biringan's story be our guide,
To value substance, not just what's outside.
In a world of illusions, let's keep it real,
Embrace authenticity, and find true appeal.


In simpler words, my friend, I say to you,
Don't chase empty beauty, seek what is true.
Within your own self, a treasure resides,
Embrace your inner light, where true joy resides.

© Ember Rage