

Peering Spectre
Mother a deep crimson
Father a dusty teal
Brother a tea green
All that I had seen

Strong willed and never yielding
Was the motto of my mother
I watched her shape my family
Through methods I’m not to ponder

Broken glass and shattered hearts
Trailed behind my father
I watched him cry and saw him beg
His mistress still fled farther

A place to be accepted
was what my brother always sought
I watched him crumble and fall apart
As he realized it was for naught

Everyone a pretty color
All of us one in the same

Mother a deep crimson
Father a dusty teal
Brother a tea green
All that I had seen

But such beauty combined
Leaves beauty behind
As colors muddle
And ties unwind

I left long ago
The fights had gotten old
In my eyes, I was a disgrace

I left long ago
I abandoned my home
But now we stand back in this place

And yet quiet never lasts
For people never change
If the arguments had stopped
One would find it strange

I listened to the screams
I listened to their qualms
This house we grew up in
Assaulted with boulders and bombs

Mom wants to tear it down
Dad wants to sell it
Brother doesn’t really care
Am I the only one aware

Of the late nights we stayed up
Playing moonlit hide and seek
Sure the yelling hardly stopped
But that doesn’t mean we weren’t family

All the times my dad stroked my head
While he told me not to cry
And the ones my brother snuck me candy
Worried if I was alright

Mom who seemed angry
But only wanted to help
She didn’t know how to handle
My ever declining health

And after everything was done
They went their separate ways
I tried to help I tried to fix
Even after my last days

I won’t let you destroy it
My last fragment of what is left
I combat boulders, I’ll stop your bombs
Until everything is put to rest

Mom a deep crimson
Dad a dusty teal
My brother a tea green
All that I had seen
© Alis

I also submitted this into a competition on DailyPromp. I would be happy if you voted for me if you liked it. :)