

In a lavish home where shadows weep,
A young woman dwelt in sorrow deep.
Her husband cruel, his heart ingrained in spite,
Tormented and abused her day and night.

A timid soul from a modest abode,
In tears she found solace, her spirit bowed.
Alone she wept, her cries a silent plea,
Longing for a light to set her free.

Her heart confined, by fear tightly bound,
In a world where voices of the timid drown.
From a conservative, humble, and poor clan,
Her life entwined in a relentless ban.

But courage in her heart began to spark,
A flame of defiance in the ever-dark.
With strength newfound, she sought the aid
Of a lawyer bold, her path remade.

Divorced and freed from chains of despair,
A weight lifted, her soul so rare.
In the eyes of her kin, seen as stained,
Rejected, in solitude she remained.

With saving grace from the trials past,
Abroad she journeyed, her die was cast.
Starting anew, with her own light to steer,
A business blossomed, fueled by her sheer.

Days turned to nights of toil and sweat,
Her spirit unbroken, she'd not forget
The journey endured, the battles fought,
Her resilience, a flame that never teardrops caught.

Amidst the grind, in the midst of strife,
She found a love, the treasure of life.
A heart pure, a soul as kindred as hers,
They basked in joy, in love's pure burs.

Together they thrived, in passion's glow,
A tale of triumph, from the depths below.
From torment and pain, she rose above,
Found solace in freedom, in her true love.
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