

If Only I Had A Chance To Be That Book
If only I had the chance to be a book
With poems and short stories seldom took
I would like to be a tome from endless looks
A boundless world of worse and woe it shooks

In every chapter or verse, I'll be tales untold
Of love and loss, hate and regret, dreams unfold
With words as vibrant, the dawn and dusk that we are
I'd paint the sky luminous under clouds harr

I'd be a guide through fictitious lands untold
Whisper in the winds, gently undertoned
From renowned myths to modern lore
I'll bring the key to open world's forlorn

Each page of travels, each words a song,
A symphony of sentiments and phrases lifelong
It'll be a treasure one day, with worth a second look
If only I had a chance to be that book.

© TheRetro_Reader