

the unpaid therapist
Hi I am that unpaid therapist friend
that you love and care but not enough to check up on then
we suffer in are own problems
while finding solutions for yours
we put others before us
not expecting much in return
then some love and care or
a person that listen to us

you can talk your problems to us
we sure will find a solution for you but not for us
we only listen but never got listened
if we give you a bad advice it's our falut
but you were the one who asked it in the first place
if we help you we are great but
if we don't we are selfish
we sacrifice our sleep just for you
and you can't sacrifice your morning coffee
we are never considered in plans
unless you need advice
we are always put second not by you but by ourself
if we think about us for a second we are self obsessed
but if we don't then we are stupid
we check up on you but not on ourself

I think it's time for you to check up on your unpaid therapist before it's too late
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