

Trying should never stop.
It takes courage to be you,
It can never be easy for people to be who you are,
Nothing gonna be easy but it is up to you,
At such times you need to be you,

You need to focus on what you want,
If you put yourself last and focus on what people will say you won't make it,
You have to keep trying for you,
With you in mind you will have the courage to do it.

Sometimes you may lose hope due to the pressure around you,
The pressure and demoralising may come from the social media platforms,
People from the higher rank of what you do may look down at you,
Some due to their experience may make you feel you can't make it.

Keep trying do it for you and not for others,
You will achieve if you persever,
Restless nights may be bad but can help,
And at the end the one you believe in will stand in for you,
Just try
© Caren