

My essence of survival is beaconed to the very monument of hope.
A shrouding tale of lust told us,
yet the very meaning of life buried in dust.
How can i not see before my own eyes
Darkness spreading its shade upon my light.

My mind though obscure, salivates the truth void of ambiguity.
The polysemic views, men possesses drowns the simple truth in eternity's wilderness.
Crowded by vegetation of souls, yet lonely and lost in my very own thinking.
The search for meaning and quest for truth is entirely exhausting.

I could pour my entire misery on a Guitar.
Affable, is its 6 Strings, a set of thread connecting the tapestry of my life.
Its ambience catapults my essence to a different sphere where peace is free

At the end of it, reality dawns on me like a looming star waiting for night.
Why is truth elusive. Why does it journey enslave me.
Or has darkness devoured every ounce of purity in me that all left is doom?
