

The hollow moans
Today as the crispness of sunshine fall on earth, a thought of memory flew past times like a feather dusted by winds,

A day remembered that snatched the loving person that gave me birth,

As I try hard not to whimper for the agony from the heart,
But as all memories brought down from that childhood alleys just brings a delicate carcass of you being my sole identity, days changed to months and years as counting forgone missing you and your special persona filled with love and missing days when you were very well here,

My lull is all about fears as now dreams come yearning for the soft touch patting on the head as in saying,
"It's all right my baby girl, don't worry am near."

An illusion of minds wanting and hungry for your sight,
Why oh Why maa...
You just had to leave this vacuum that doesn't fill in without you near,

If only death wouldn't be brutal as it had been and if only could see you once nearer me would humbly want to follow you blindly to any world let be earth or eternity but just come back for it spear left down hanging in between hearts wanting and longing just for you and only you.
Miss you Maa...not today but every day.
© Soni Mirchandani