

Siblings of the Heart
I have two elder siblings, a blessing to me
A brother and sister, who've shown love and glee
Their care and guidance, have shaped me with grace
And filled my life with joy, and a warm, safe space

My brother's strong and steady hand, has led the way
Through life's ups and downs, he's shown me the day
His wisdom and kindness, have been my guiding light
And with him by my side, everything's alright

My sister's gentle touch, has soothed my soul
Her compassion and empathy, have made me whole
She's been a role model, a friend and a guide
And with her love and support, I've reached the other side

Together they've shown me, what love and care mean
And I'm grateful for them, and the bond we've seen
So thank you, dear brother, and thank you, dear sister too
For being my rocks, my heroes, and my forever true.
© Shelly
To my siblings of the heart!