

A decade(5years)
It has been 5 years since I lost my childhood.
It has been 5 years since I passed a decade.

Oh, this decade wasn't a normal one
Just as life isn't.
Oh, this decade wasn't easy to live
Just as life isn't.
Oh, this decade wasn't simple shit
Just as life isn't.

Some might find this relatable
Some might find this motivational
But just a few
Would be able to connect like a cable.

A decade of objection.
A decade of depression.
A decade of temporary happiness.
A decade of permanent sadness.

Now, here comes a decade of comfortable sadness.
Now, here comes a decade of melancholic happiness.
Now, here comes a decade of intentional craziness.
Now, here comes a decade of stupid bitchy-ness.

Some will find this stupid.
Some will find their cupid.
Some will find their enemy.
Some will find ways to kill their enemy.
Some will get tied with love.
Some will get twisted in love.

All that we know
This decade has to be shitty
This decade has to be abnormal
This decade has to be complicated
Because, life is shit
Tied up with 'abnormals' like me
Who like to make it complicated
And get twisted with threads
To trace a new path no one sees
To start a new beginning
To end the beginning
And keep it to the end.