

The Connection
It's a perplexed world; with perplexed emotions.
Lies, Unloyality, heart breaks are its ingredients
Vacant souls inside of us, Each of us.
Try to connect with one another......
& Those who connect with the dots will always have a purpose of meeting us..

We will have those eternal memories that are the seeds of happy flashbacks and Nostalgia.

The connection with this soul is rare "and a god's grace. It too deserves a post & pre natal care....

But in this bottomless world of selfishness, what we crave is to fulfill our purpose and uncanny intensions.....
We false flatter, we false appreciate we show off we connect, we lie...
Oh! This fake world...
And at the end.. What we are left is.
Greif , sadness, ignorance and envy
Bcoz our holy heart of the soul is unbiased of deeds we did..it will always notify us of the wrong we did...
But it's all up to us how much heed we pay...
Our souls will always try to push us to bring best of ourselves... ❤️

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