

stations & relations : journey in the train
Life is like a journey in the train
Where stations are years and we are dominant.
We encounter several person at stations.
And sometimes forge a strong relations.

We ponder the person will be forever for us.
But at the end we utter it just
It is not our flaw that we are emotionally attached.
But sometimes it's the person who is unmatched.

We makes countless relations at stations.
Each relations gives us a lesson.
Sometimes these relations consign you everyway.
So,that you become better person it may.

Like that journey in the train continues.
It has plenty of bliss,regret and dues.
At each station some persons leaves
But important thing is that dulcet memories they give.

But journey in the train go on and on.
And it will cease when we shutdown.
Every relations give you a mellow memories.
So,that no more your life is like a theory.

In that train we will never attain destination.
We will make firm relation at every station.
Some persons in life leaves or gone.
Alas, journey in that train is continuously on.
