

A Single Bouquet
You vanished,
Gone without a trace,
No sweet goodbyes,
No last embrace.
All that remained,
Within our space,
Was a bunch of lillies,
Put on a shelf, in place.
The only presence,
Of our lives, once interlaced,
You always had,
Such impeccable taste.
The scent of the lillies,
Clung to the air,
As I digested your absence,
Your choice, so unfair.
Was my life really worth,
A single bouquet?
The way that you left,
Left my life in disarray.
You simply slipped away,
With no explanation,
Not even a note,
No communication.
Those lillies, they wilted,
Just like our existence,
With no perseverance,
With no persistence.
Just a single bunch of lillies,
We're left to replace,
The essence of our love,
That you chose to misplace.

© Violet Serenity