

For Love or Money...
If given the chance
what would you choose??
Money or Love??....
seems to me, either way ,
you lose.

To be wealthy...
means to have power...
and to have power,
means to have all you desire....
Yet, what you desire might not desire you,
It is your money that attracts them,
and what you can do.

To love and be loved in return,
This is something we all live for...
not always returned,
yet we come back for more.
To be in love...
No amount of money can compare...
until he gets restless,
and has an affair.
Is this something that you can repair?
Love seems so unfair.

These are my thoughts,
yours might not be so extreme...
You might still believe in unicorns and Prince Charming,
and have no idea what I mean.

Is it possible to have both?
To live happily ever after???
Bet your bottom dollar!!!! I say,
then follow it with laughter.

I've heard it's lonely at the top,
Issues of trust and deceit...
Hells bells!!!
Here on the bottom,
we call those liars and cheats!!

Love or Money...
Money or Love...
Choosing one over the other,
would it ever be enough?

My question remains....
If you had to choose ....
Which would you keep
which would you lose?

For me...
Love is the answer,
although it comes with a price...
Not always forever
but worth rolling the dice.
If love is the answer...
Where can I get the key???
For, without love...
You wouldn't be you,
and I wouldn't be me.

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