

This is exactly how I feel about you
Hey, so, I found this on insta. It was in the caption of a reel by _.wordsbyheartt. I am not taking any credits for this, it was just too relatable not to put it here.

I still feel like it was not the right decision to walk away from you
But then I remember the nights I spent crying
Crying so hard I couldn’t breathe
I still don’t know what I felt back then
The tears just won’t stop coming down my cheeks
Sometimes I thought I was really attached to you
Maybe that’s why I felt so anxious all the time
Sometimes I even thought I was in love with you
I was so confused
And I still am though
I thought the confusion will end once you won’t be around
But I’m still so confused
I want to talk to you again
Drown into those brown eyes again
But at the same time I wish we never started talking
I don’t regret every moment we spent together though
I cherish each one of those moments like a beautiful memory
I wish I could end all of the confusions before ending things with you
I know it was my decision
To end things with you but
I still wait for your notification
I still check my phone again and again to see if you texted
I just miss you a lot right now
I loved meeting you even if it was just for a little while
I still go to our spot whenever I miss you
Fighting this urge to see you
Hoping if you’d pass by and I could see you once again
And now I just can’t help myself but think
Is it really the end?