

Blinded By You.
I tried, thousand millions time,
to move on,
to forget about you.
But i can't make a decision
cause it's so hard to do.
you were a peace of My
childhood dreams and my Youth.

Ahh, how could i forget you?
when you were with Me,
for my whole damn life.
So, Why do you changed?
Maybe i was blinded by your love,
and couldn't see what you are
and now here I'm,
Crying all night to forget about you.
Wanted to Be with you again,
I wish we never met
But it's not in my hands.

Now, I can't make a decision
on what to do with you.
should i just leave you?
or forgive you?
Should i curse you like you did?
Even though i didn't deserve.
But I can't did the same,
cause I'm not you.
You were a walking Red Flag
But, maybe i was colorblind.
But i got the color of my eyes,
Noe i know who you exactly are.
© Soul🥀