

A revenge story
Fear in your eyes,
I listen to your cries.
You also keep scratching on all the walls,
while I put on my bloody overalls.

As I sharpen my knife,
you say good bye to your wife.
I lick my lips,
and swing my hips.

To your cries I dance,
as I do my stance.
Don't know where to start,
so I'll just throw a dart.

Your chest it is,
yes this means biz.
I very slowly cut,
then your wound I shut.

Can't have you dying yet,
and that is what you fret.
Your feet come after,
my evil laughter.

I rip out your nails,
without any fails.
Your screams so thrilling,
my grins so chilling.

Can't get enough of this,
my minds at a bliss.
But now come your eyes,
and your screaching cries.

With acid I burn them,
and replace with a gem.
Don't die just yet,
that is a threat.

Let me hear your screams,
and pop all your dreams.
Let me see your pain,
and your life slowly drain.

But now comes your left hand,
and please don't withstand.
A nail I will jam in,
and then peel of your skin.

Now skinning you alive,
oh how I feel so alive!
But this is not over yet,
which is what you truly fret.

You just want to die,
and say your good bye.
But that won't do,
for my thrill just grew.

So get your mind ready,
and your body steady.
For this will probably hurt,
when I throw you in the dirt.

Just like you did with me,
you threw me away and then flee.
You thought I'd leave you be,
but now for your life you plea.

So sit back and relax,
as I get my fav axe.
Pray your very last prayer,
and now dive into despair.

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