

It's time
It's time
It's time I put all of our memories to sleep
As your Love is too shallow
For my Love that runs so deep

It's time that I see clearly
That you're not the one for my heart
For my true Love would have stayed
And never ever part

It's time to take my Love now
And go where it will be appreciated and seen
It's time to remember my worth
Its time to remember that I am a queen

It's time to take all the laughter and smiles
And peacefully tuck them away
For I will be sharing them blissfully
with my true Love one day

It's time to take the lessons
And apply them to what I already know
It's time to seek my true partner
The one in which I'll build with and grow

It's time to let go now
of a connection, I believed was real and true
It's time to let go of your heart
It's time to let go of you...