

PMS to Periods. Sorry!
PMS is real, It is cruel,
Don't mind us when we become mean,
It's not us, it's the onset of the periods...

Imagine hormone levels fluctuating every month,
Moods swinging like a pendulum,
Body feels heavy, It gets tired,
From the pain, the discomfort that we fight,
Happy to sad to numb to angry,
These emotions are real, and so unhealthy...

Even we get tired of handling ourselves,
Some are better equipped to handle it well,
Some like me find it difficult to cope,
All I can say is that it is not really in our control...

This is not an excuse for being obnoxious,
Wish for those 5 days I can be unconscious,
For we don't enjoy being unpleasant,
But the emotional rollercoaster is a part of the process,
Which with a heavy heart I have now accepted...

© Polkola
#pain #Periods #girl #Women #emotions #tired #Life&Life