

A Portrait of Her
In a world adorned with automotive grace,
There walks a girl, a portrait to embrace.
Her smile, a Ferrari, racing the sun,
Igniting joy, a journey just begun.

Eyes that gleam with a BMW's allure,
A gaze that cruises, confident and pure.
Navigating dreams with each subtle glance,
A highway of hope in a fleeting dance.

Her wealth, a Rolls Royce, regal and grand,
Yet kindness draped in humility's strand.
In opulence, she finds a balance rare,
A spirit rich beyond the material glare.

Beauty, a Porsche, sleek lines and finesse,
Graceful contours, a visual caress.
A masterpiece sculpted by time's tender hand,
A portrait of elegance, forever to withstand.

In the gallery of life, she stands profound,
A symphony of luxury in silence found.
Ferrari smiles, BMW eyes that gleam,
Rolls Royce wealth, a Porsche beauty's dream.
© Saighoe Francis Asilfie Kweku