

Take Another Chance

What thoughts colour yours today?
What goals will you achieve someday?
You spend your time dreaming of glory,
While your life waits aside for its own story, meanwhile back at the ranch...
You take another chance. See it all at first glance. Swear the glare is your stare.
On the brink of a blink, as you are profiled and given a wink wink and a nudge prompted from a grudge.
We all know the more you stir shit the worse it will stink. So some of us turn over a new leaf, the last to fall off the branch. Got low to the ground, a flat stone filled up my open hand so I threw it side arm with my toes sifting in the sand. The waves played tag with me on the beautiful beach trying to reach me where I let the Sun set and teach me to stay still... and just listen to the World. Breaching It's secrets, about stress that just stacks of the stuff we let in and the way we react and it's the main reason we named her the Mutha of Nature so relax. Instinct in sync reminding me that giving is for the Giver different names fill in blanks started selling me to forget the regrets because I am always taking a stand trying to remain free in the land of the brave. But the Homeless are pissed.
Was it the flash? The lightning bolt slash with the thunderous clash as enlightening as it is frightening that reminded me of the splendor in memories and the grandeur of wonder. And the only thing I got to be when I finally grow up is a member that plans to remember what it is all for. God. His Glory is what we are all under not the weather. In wonder I always remember what it is all for and with a leap of faith become a more interesting character in his story as a goal.
© Shoveleaner a.k.a. Genghis Blonde