

Love is time
Love is time
For the first time
My watch ticked backwards
For the first time
I truly felt what love had to offer
Peace, numb, wonder, hate
Pain, the unknown
The universe
How it spins
How it watched us as we
How it breaks the nature of science
To bring us together
It’s how nature speaks to us
It’s how we never pay attention to what it really has to say
It’s the message we only get when we are dieing

Time isn’t money
Time isn’t opportunity
Time isn’t the past, present or future
Time is nothing
Without love

Love is time
That brings the sun
To share its light with the moon
Love is actually what keeps us alive
Not life
Loving you
Isn’t forever
Loving you
Is time.
When I fell in love
With you,
for the first time
My watch ticked backwards

© Tway24k