

A long last love

To the love of my life
Here and now
I have always dreamt that we will be together
But like a train that collided into its pit stop my heart plummeted
My brain shuts down leaving me lifeless
My spirit and my soul doesn't exists in this lifetime anymore
Being so cyanotic
Dehydrated from your love
Rendered me speechless
Never loving another I watched you slide through my hand like the sands on the seashore
If loving another means feeling this destitute
I don't ever wanted be loved again or to love anyone else ever again
Watching the reins of my life fallen before me
Can't do a thing about it
feeling hopeless , emotionally drained and pitiful
I see myself being alone ,driven crazy to the limit and yet here I am feeling like death came in and snatched my soul away from me
The grim reaper himself came in to have a one and one conversation with me
How do I cope with this?
How do I live amongst the living like this?
Drifting in and out
It's like my heart is hanging on to a pace maker with each beats ,it hurts so bad to see you like this.
To each their own but I can't do this on my own
Watching you there on the bed feeling dreary and helpless with tears running down your sweet cheeks
Baby oh my sweet darling I am grateful for you but seeing you like this hurts my heart so deeply
To see you hooked up to those machine Watching your health slowly declining
Just to let you go by the wayside
As I say my goodbyes I let you know that my love for you runs deeper than the river Nile
My heart beats for you and only you alone
Loving another would only hurt me more than it will hurt the one that I love
Watching you slipping away into dark night over to other side
Burns a fire so deep within me
To love you only to lose you
Only to wake up from a feverish dream at
12 midnight to soaking pillows with aches and pains
To the memories that were haunting my mind only to realized that I was dreaming of a love that I never had
So I started to love myself first before I can learned to love someone else
It was great to felt loved by someone else even if it's only in a dream.
I will be waiting for the one that will love me unconditionally and so will I return the favor tenfold
It's better to have loved and lost it than to never have loved at all

© trixie21