

The fragrance of my childhood,
Hides in the folds of your embrace,
when playing was itself learning,
the stars and moon stories,
twinkle twinkle riddles,
swinging and sliding was always
the sweetest presence,
growing up by listening
the tales of rabbit nd rat race,
to the brave acts of lord Krishna,
to the great lessons of Gita
has always kept us restless as children.
From either dadi's night stories,
or Dada's noon anecdotes
both had those elderly values.
From gardens to doll house
from lunch to straight dinner
play all day and still not getting bored,
from parents constant attention
to teachers retention in play groups,
Childhood is best self grooming period.

Is every child's childhood filled with joy of gardens, happiness of presence, swings and slides , and with knowledge ?
Answer is sadly NO, 152 million children are under child labour all around the world(according to statistics of 2017-18) they are forbidden to this bright world and suppressed with the load of work in dark world at a tinder age.Though child labour is banned but still there are many victims of it.

So whenever u aren't getting something don't get upset infact be thankful for what u have because many other's are deprived of recieving even that.

"Satisfaction is the best form of self-care and self-motivation."

© Drashti Buddhadev