

elevation in its purest form
Trust in those who stand behind you .
Stand with people who are true to you .
Those who aren't let them stay in the shadows and watch as you become more vibrant and shine like a diamond let them see you succeed in every way possibly imaginable . Stand up and speak out fuck them haters you were born to stand out.
Tell your story speak your truth so what if it's a bit blurry so what if they're confused . You know who you are deep inside and here's your chance to rise to elevate to speak your mind let it flow like a coursing river blow their minds like fire or a hail storm . Remind yourself this is what you made for and let your heart begin to soar . So it's okay if you cry pick your self up and dust your self off you were born to fly it's your time to rise up as they all fall before you and it's time for them to know your worth now more than ever before they lay you in the dirt . Love me or hate me leave me or chase me you will never break me and you damn sure won't ever change me !
© original poems by k. g.