

It's Dark
A distant echo of wicked laughter,
A sudden shift in the wind,
I think there's someone here,
And yet I feel the emptiness
Crawling in this place.

The metallic scent of blood,
A voice from afar,
My name,
And the coldness
Tingling my skin,
A feeling,
I'm almost familiar with.

I walk,
but it's dark.
I look around,
but it's dark.
I see light,
but it's dark.

The floor creaks,
A shadow stands in front of me,
I'm inching towards it without a hitch.
It's turns around,
The last thing I remember seeing is,
The face of a man,
I stabbed to death.

I guess I'm asleep,
It's dark again.
This time,
It's quieter and colder,
But why am I not breathing,
Am I in the grave?

© Anandarupa Neogi