

Death at the wrong windows..
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,

There was none,
at these darkest nights,
Except for the darkest lord,
peeping through the windows of the soul.

Looking at him,
By my window side,
I try to scream,
or reach my better half..

I hear his snoring sounds,
filling up the vaccum,
But all I could do is,
stare and whine at death,
who was peeping through the windows.

When time seems silly,
I wish I could say,
how much he means to me.

I would miss all his dirty laundry,
laying on the bedroom;
and the toilet seat,
that never pushes down by itself...

I certainly cannot see anyone again,
who might irk me,
by roaming all around the house,
with toothbrush in mouth.

Who would bring me a glass of water,
when I cough?
Who might end up massaging my feet,
after I fell asleep?

We had turned our backs,
to each other; not only on beds,
but on our lives,
a long time ago...

I still could beg Death,
to give me a few moments,
for some final words with you...
"Wait for me, I'll come back to you"

As I was ready,
I see Dark lord no more...
He left,
without bidding goodbye!

He appeared on the wrong window,
but at the right time.