

The entirety of life is filled with threat
So don't rest until you separate yourself with the rest
Sometimes, life gives you butter and bread
And sometimes left you with empty tray and this feels like going astray

You give confort and happiness to others remembering the verse "what you do to others so shall it be done unto you" But life always throws you stones.
You give flesh but returned bones, you give love and was returned hate
You sheltered the tramp and you were left hobo

The journey of life is never straight, it has bends
You are too precious to lose at the end, your struggles can't be left in vain
Bends, twist and curves defines life, remain strong or you may be left at a turn
Life is an endless struggle which may not have end so far you can breathe

You may be seen or rated low but keep your spirit high and adjust your confidence level
Success is for spirited minds not for the weak and lame
Successful people choose success and don't wait for success to choose them by what is called "luck"
But what the waiter fails to understand is that "luck" is nothing but a point where preparation meets opportunity.

Choose success today and it will choose you, keep your head up high.
You are almost there.
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