A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life's tourney
This is war
War against the body
War against the soul
War against the spirit
War against race
War against truth
War against love
War against kingdom
War against nation
War against colour
War against will
War against wealth
War against self respect
War against believe
War against culture
I heard of these evil going on, under the sun but I heed myself within,
I run into the wilderness to seek for refuge, but I found none.
I try running away but I found out, these war is everywhere, oh i wept within me.
I cry out from my closet, but the echoing of my voice came back to me because i cry out from my secret chamber,
The more we play ignorant,
The more our life and world around get salvage, by men desiring to have power causing...
A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life's tourney
This is war
War against the body
War against the soul
War against the spirit
War against race
War against truth
War against love
War against kingdom
War against nation
War against colour
War against will
War against wealth
War against self respect
War against believe
War against culture
I heard of these evil going on, under the sun but I heed myself within,
I run into the wilderness to seek for refuge, but I found none.
I try running away but I found out, these war is everywhere, oh i wept within me.
I cry out from my closet, but the echoing of my voice came back to me because i cry out from my secret chamber,
The more we play ignorant,
The more our life and world around get salvage, by men desiring to have power causing...