

Blank Feeling Numb
Moving on
slowly dragging my feet
New places and new faces go together when they meet.
I don't recognize myself
I no longer stare in the mirror
Who I am now is blank feeling numb without a care.
I have but one to wish here
But since my wishes are useless
the candles burn to disappear.
I don't know, what is this?
I'm just a ghost,
smoking thin air.
Living for the night,
drinking if I dare,
holding onto nothing tight.
I guess I let go,
a long time ago.
Don't know how to feel so I can't stay still.
Nobody knows.
I got so good at pretending,
I tell myself I'm not gone.
I'm just blank feeling numb.
Pacing the grounds,
fill my mind up with junk,
not thinking straight,
focused on the hunt blocks out the pain,
going on this way,
day after day.

© Joanne Lea Potter

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