

The day my father screamed.
The day my father screamed,
it was the darkest night ever.
the moon had just fought with mankind
and she decided not to shine her light.
I laid in my dad's room
with his phone, unknown to him;
I killed the sound from it
just to pleasure myself with the games in it.
He was in the sitting room
my mother, by his side, doing what a good partner should do,
they were probably discussing what they shall do tomorrow but I don't care, I was in level 5 and fighting hard not to drop to level zero.
The sound of the thunder buried the horrid scream of my father,
My mother, weakened by the loss of strength and breath from her partner shouted for help.
immediately, I threw away the phone, forgetting to pause my game.
I wouldn't if I knew how this whole horror would play out, but I didn't.
A quick rush to where he was, with my mother seated beside him like his guadian angel. Oh!!, I wish she was because this man needed a heavenly saviour..
A quick call to family and friends nearby and they appeared quickly like they had the solution to the problems we were currently facing.
They carried him like a log of wood ready to be furnished and beautified.
I was perplexed, lacking understanding of what I just witnessed. but my sensitive ears heard them saying he couldn't move and they had to get him to the nearest hospital.
I became weak, my excitement for the next level of my game faded away;
I ran outside, alone, bending my knees and staring at the stars.
I didn't know how to pray and to whom I should direct it to but I know a supreme being created me, my dad and the stars.
With tears rolling down my cheeks like a child awaiting the rod to his backside.
I prayed to the almighty, asking him not to take my daddy away..
Weeks later, the news came that my dad had left the earth and had gone back to his maker;
and I thought to myself;
Why would the maker not answer the prayers of Thousand of his holy servants praying for my dad's healing?
Why would he not answer me, bending my knees and asking for something precious for the very first time ever?
My dad was like a helper to many and was always ready to put himself on the line to save any.
Oh! Probably he needed to help the maker too.

© damithemessenger