

S.I.N (Poetic Version)
It's been here since
Adam and Eve's existance
It's a virus and it's
highly contagious
It's spiritually genetic;
You're born with it
This is a pandemic,
That could lead to an eternal death sentence
It's a sickness

It has killed more people than Covid-19
Even more than previous and present diseases
It's not seasonal like the Flu
But it's more common than a Cold

In order to get a rid of it
Here is the remedy
You must be born again
Like Jesus told Nicodemus
By Christ's blood shed
God's abundent grace has redeemed us
And the amazing thing is that all we have to do is recieve it

By praying the prayer of Salvation
In acceptance of what Christ did on Calvary
By dying on a cross for you and me.

(For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23 KJV))

(But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8 KJV))

© 2021 GospelCreations®Online Freestyle Poetry Divinely inspired/FSHS