

The anger
The anger,
the bitterness that I feel towards you,
The hate that consumes me
I am letting it go
I refuse to be its prisoner .
These chains that bind me,
this cage that I have build around me
I wish to get out
I want to be free.
Forgiving you has allowed me to flap my wings.
Loving you is the reason why I soar.
I was burning in a fire of my own making.
The daggers that I sharpened to hurt you have cut me.
The pain that I felt
I brought on to myself.
Now that I have forgiven you
I have become free
There is no hurt,
no pain,
just peace
There is no hate,
no anger,
just love.
The chains have been removed
The cage has been unlocked
I am free
to live once again.

© NasibaLizzie