

The last bluff
My life failed again

but I laid down

In my rubble of hard work.

After a long sigh, I stood up,

to piece the rubbles together

with wet cement.

Let's sculpt a new masterpiece, I thought.

But this time I'd tape all over it

And then plaster it,

paint all over it,

secure it in several layers of protection,

Not to avoid destruction but to endure longer,

entertain the crowd with uncertainty

of my destruction.

In the beginning

they'd think I'd scattered in the whole

But every time a layer cracked, a new layer wronged their expectations of my failure in wow.

But when I bluffed the crowd with my final layer, that's when cried.

Cried because my time in endurance

had made them excited to see my new layer.

Each time they waited in eagerness for my revival, I grew on them without them knowing.

Because I built several layers for the last bluff.