

Girl From Outer Space
This time no emotions, no theory,
Just a simple yet so complicated story.
It's about a queen who played with the emotions of every king,
Ya, she was such a heartless being.
Now and then her every relation was ruptured,
Coz she was the bird who can't be captured.
No one could understand her plan,
Bcoz before one could realise she would execute them.
Do you think she is from this place?
Nah! She came from outer space.
But now she had a feeling so blur,
Ya, it was love that had surrounded her.
Attraction to liking, and liking to loving she had travelled all the way,
And in the nick of time all her emotions were moulded by him like the potter's clay. From a cuckoo she changed to a sparrow,
The road of love that was paved was so narrow.
She was getting back just what she gave,
The other one didn't felt the same but yes he didn't played.
The end of the story was neither good nor bad,
It was neither in the favour of blue nor of red.
Bcoz now the heaven had it's call,
Destiny was playing it's role.
They are not made for one another that's what is felt,
But whenever it is about to finish a message is sent.
That he would come back, but will be late,
And then she again starts to wait.
Many things changed in these few months,
Several lessons this queen has learned.
Now no relation of her was ruptured,
Ya, the heart of that bird is captured.
Now she is afraid, afraid of loosing him,
Ya, I am talking about that heartless being.
I am not sure if she is from this place,
But that guy is ofcourse from outer space.
Only a guy like him could make her cry,
Only a guy like him is worth for another try.
Now let's see if this story will find it's end,
Or the destiny will play a new game.

© Romeesha