

My bleeding heart 💔

Hope you are well
Cause I am trying to be

This is a message for you
From one loving heart to another

I love you
That for sure I know
But I wish I could tell you
How your presence, is a mix of happiness and pain

I am glad I get to see you
But there is always this fear that something will creep up
And it definitely does
Every single time
Our paths cross
Our interactions are bitter sweet

The most hurtful words I've ever been told
Came from you
I wish you knew
How those few words you say pierce my heart
Leaving me feeling hurt
Feeling like I am a pain
And you are better off without me
Well, maybe you are, that I can't judge

I hate that I wish long distance for us
Cause physical seems to not work
I wish to see you maybe once in a year
Cause daily ends up going south

I wish we had that relation I see with others
But I can't even know for sure
Cause you wear different masks

I wish better for us
But as of now I give up fighting for it

#writco #writcopoem #love #pain #hope

© angelawrites