

Greyness in pain
Sometimes...... sometimes I'm glad for the lake of fire that awaits them. Empty things clawing and fighting for crumbs of power and wealth will never have enough to be satisfied. They take my dignity and offer scraps in return. The American dream is a lie from the mouths of fools that are forever trapped in a box. To think on the outside means the world they've been sold will collapse.Yes, sometimes I despise their hollow blandness and their joke of a system. There's no compassion here and mercy is hard to find amongst them. How can I ever help them or even desire too.The collective has forsaken it's own wisdom.While trying to remain useful they use the used. Everyone fakes everything. Honestly I think honesty is honestly seen as a old canned food pantry only to be opened in case of emergency. It's such a burden to live in this Grey Continuum....it's like having no past and the future is always uncertain. Things never seem completely right with me or totally wrong........ It's so very grey here but I always talk myself out of my hate because love is what keeps me alive.
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