

Worry Less
In the realm of human existence, worry takes its place,
An all-too-familiar presence, casting shadows with its embrace.
Yet, spirituality's teachings, like a beacon, guide us through,
Whispering softly, "Worry is useless, there's a different path to pursue."

For worry, though a natural part of being human and frail,
Can often become a burden, making us weak and assail.
But within the core of our spiritual pursuit,
We find strength and wisdom, to render worry mute.

Not giving up, pressing forward with relentless might,
Fighting till the end, as champion of our noble fight,
These become the resolutions, where worry's void is filled,
Replacing fear with courage, and the void is stilled.

In the journey of existence, worry can lead us astray,
Consuming our minds, draining our spirits day by day.
But in the realm of spirituality's profound grace,
We discover the power to transcend worry's embrace.

We learn to surrender, to the higher forces in play,
To trust in the universe, to guide us along our way.
For worry, it teaches us, is just an illusion we've grown,
A futile endeavor, to which we need not be prone.

Instead, we find solace in the depths of our being,
Tapping into a wellspring of love and peaceful seeing,
We navigate life's currents, with hope as our guide,
Embracing each challenge, with strength deep inside.

So, as we tread this earthly path, with uncertainty in tow,
Let us remember the teachings, that wisdom does bestow,
Worry may knock at our door, but it need not stay,
For we hold the power, to choose a different way.

In the grand tapestry of existence, worry has no place,
Instead, we choose resilience, and embody inner grace.
And as we journey on, with spirit ever bright and bold,
Worry, once useless, transforms into a story untold.
© NightSwimThePoet