

The Devil's Symphony....
I hear the whisper of the devil near my ear
His voice ??
Not the dark sinister but the enchanting melody...
Alluring me to join his shadows
Luring me to join his dark dungeon
The dungeon where the monsters reside..
The chaotic monsters
The monsters you dread off would crawl from beneath your bed....
The monsters who kept me company inside my own head... I turn around and there he is
The devil, wearing a black cloak..
Concealing himself in the darkness
In the darkness that seeps from my soul...
"What are you doing?" Comes a distant voice
And the devil grins handing me the knife..
The knife that reeks of sin and possession
And yet it's comforting, relishing even it seems
As i slit my throat slowly, the blood pouring from my bloodstream..

He looks me dead in the eyes and says something that has me spooked...
"You're the one who created me," he shouts as he moves
And I'm the one left behind searching for the answer... "What happened?" Comes the distant voice again
And I'm jerked up from my slumber...
"Was it a night terror again?" Comes the distant voice..... And all the facade crumbles
As I'm lying on my bed again....
With all the words still jumbled...

© scythe