


Once there was an awesome man
Who showed me his love never letting go of my hand
Showed me the way when I could not see
Guided me with his light so my destination I can reach
Tightly holding me in his arms never letting go of me
Firmly, securely, and protected like a baby
I hurt you time after time and you've always forgiven me
My true love I thank God for thee
This kind of love feels like a dream to me
Constant, unconditional, timeless but a reality
Knowing my limitations, faults and my secrets
You're still by my side, encouraging the best for me
Wiping those hurtful tears from my eyes
Giving me reasons to carry on and to always rise
Hearing your voice in my head repeatedly saying, "Trust Me"
My true love I thank God for thee
Since the beginning you have always been there
Not to have you in my life is definitely a big scare
No matter how many times that I fall
Each time you pick me up and help dust me off
Every time water's to my chin and I almost drown
You come in for the save, my hero never lets me down
My Everything, King, Savior, Messiah, Lord, and my peace
My true love I thank God for thee
© Angela Goldsmith